Recommendations: 1-3 Sets, 1-5 Reps
Stand or sit comfortably. Place your left thumb on the back of your right hand near your right little finger. Wrap your left hand fingers around the edge of your right hand on the thumb side into your right palm. This is your starting position. Gently twist your right wrist by pushing forward with your left thumb. Hold for about 5 seconds. Release. Stand or sit comfortably. Place your right thumb on the back of your left hand near your left little finger. Wrap your right hand fingers around the edge of your left hand on the thumb side into your left palm. This is your starting position. Gently twist your left wrist by pushing forward with your right thumb. Hold for about 5 seconds. Release.
Step 1
Wrap your left fingers around your right hand on the thumb side into your right palm.
Stand or sit comfortably. Place your left thumb on the back of your right hand near your right little finger. Wrap your left hand fingers around the edge of your right hand on the thumb side into your right palm. This is your starting position.
Step 3
Wrap your right fingers around your left hand on the thumb side into your left palm.
Stand or sit comfortably. Place your right thumb on the back of your left hand near your left little finger. Wrap your right hand fingers around the edge of your left hand on the thumb side into your left palm. This is your starting position.